Last week I bought a second hand Panasonic AG-7500 SVHS Hi-Fi Video Cassette Recorder. It is a professional machine with many video and audio options. I feared it would be a huge quest to find a manual. I was delighted when I found After payment I received the file to download the next day already. The quality is great. I am very happy. Thanks!
The owner's manual/operating instructions that I purchased was the original factory document and it was in at least three and maybe more languages. I no longer have it because I sold the tape recorder and included the owner's manual/operating instructions and a service/repair manual that I bought on ebay for the new owner.
Turns out this was not the manual i was looking for. The concertmate 670 keyboard i have is a "Realistic" model made for Radio Shack and none of the diagrams on the owners manual i received matches up. HOWEVER, I must say the service Owners Manual provides was fast and efficient by being available online. The manual was in good readable condition and easily downloaded.
Text excerpt from page 2 (click to view)
ELECTROLUX HOME PRODUCTS FRANCE SAS 43 avenue FŽlix Louat - BP 50142 - 60307 SENLIS CEDEX TŽl.: 03 44 62 22 22
S.A.S au capital de 67 500 000 - 552 042 285 RCS SENLIS
Nous vous remercions de la confiance que vous nous avez tŽmoignŽe en choisissant:
Dans le souci d�une amŽlioration constante de nos produits, nous nous rŽservons le droit d�apporter � leurs caractŽristiques toutes modifications liŽes � l�Žvolution technique (dŽcret du 24.03.78).
Nous savons que vous attendez de cet appareil qu�il vous apporte pleinement satisfaction en termes d�efficacitŽ, fiabilitŽ, facilitŽ d�utilisation. C�est en fonction de ces exigences qu�il a ŽtŽ con�u avec le plus grand soin, la plus grande attention. Son utilisation est tr�s simple. Cependant, nous vous recommandons de lire attentivement cette notice. Bien conna�tre votre nouvel appareil, c�est non seulement Žviter au dŽpart une erreur de manipulation susceptible de l�endommager, mais c�est aussi vous familiariser avec toutes les possibilitŽs qu�il vous offre. Nous souhaitons que la satisfaction que vous aurez dans son utilisation vous am�ne � nous choisir pour d�autres appareils de notre marque. A bient�t et encore merci.